Get More in your pocket with Western Union!

Benefit from improved exchange rates when you receive from

Brooklyn, Queens and Toronto.

Visit your nearest Western Union location to get more today!

Money in Minutes

Get More with Western Union! 

  • You can receive money in minutes.
  • Collect your money transfers at a location or directly to your bank account.
  • You don’t need to worry. Western Union is trusted and reliable.
  • Get value for money when you use Western Union.

The exchange rate for Queens and Brooklyn is $202.15

The exchange rate for Toronto is $147.31

Western Union strives to provide competitive fees and foreign exchange rates. Rates are continuously reviewed to ensure value for our customers.

A review will be done in three months. Thereafter, we will determine if the current pay-out rates for Brooklyn, Queens and Toronto become permanent.  We are working to ensure that you always get value for your money.

Fees and foreign exchange rates may vary depending on the amount customers are sending, where customers are sending from, and the payment method used for the transaction.

Your ability to transact with us might have been interrupted for various reasons. We encourage you to contact our Customer Service Centre on 592-227-5141 or visit to complete the form on our website.